Introduction As I gain more experience building webpages, I quickly realized that creating elements and positioning them correctly in CSS is very tedious and annoying. It’ll take me an embarassing amount of time to position an element on a page...
Introduction Following coding standards is a way to make sure your whitespace and certain styling aspects of your code is uniform throughout your codebase. Overall, coding standards is a way to try and make code bug-free and readable for everyone....
Introduction In the essay called “How to Ask Questions the Smart Way”, by Eric Raymond, the author discusses techniques and ettiquette when asking questions on web forums. He discusses what makes a question a ‘good’ question, and how to avoid...
Introduction To get used to working on developing the Techfolio Designer application, I was tasked with making 6 small changes to the current state of the application. This article will go over what files have been changed, what I learned...
Introduction Currently enrolled in ICS 314, I’ve started to build my professional persona. Creating accounts and webpages where i can exhibit my skills and projects to future employers is a big part in developing my professional persona. Using Techfolio Designer...